Monday, August 17, 2009

Know Your Enemies

We're in our last week of summer. School starts next Monday! I'm excited, the girls less so. I've identified our enemies.

The ones that come from without are: distractions, interruptions, negativity from other people. I have fought hard and have beaten them into submission.

Then there are the enemies from within: Doubt and procrastination. I think I have conquered these too. I know I am doing exactly what God has called me to do. And my will is strong and I will be disciplined to do what needs to be done --on schedule. (I know, I know, that's not how some other moms homeschool, but it works for me.)

These are the Big Three enemies to overcome. They loom ominously like a cloud over our homeschool.

1. Arielle's attitude of laziness and boredom which she expresses in sighs and complaints.
2. Liana's emotional state when the work is difficult, the tears of frustration and lack of effort.
3. My impatience with both of the above, expressed with much anger.

These will derail us and these we must battle daily with much prayer and the sword of the Spirit.

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