Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Home Stretch

Now that we are already mid-March, I feel the pressure to complete projects and see where we are lacking in our educational program before the year ends. We've done some good things this year, but we also have some gaps. But it is so hard to press more into our schedules, especially when the girls have Guinea Pig Fever! Yes, they have those tiny, cute pets now and are just fascinated with them. We have them in the school room so the critters will get a lot of attention, but we will be in the middle of a lesson and when one of the piggies squeaks, the girls jump out of their chairs to see what happened. It's hard to get back to adverbs.

To finish up the year, Arielle has a research paper to complete, besides her last book to read and write about for literature class. Liana has not read as many books as I would have liked, and we still need to do some civics and health lessons, as required by our state. I wanted to do more poetry, especially with Liana, and we didn't go around the world in 180 days, as our geography program is called. We only got as far as China and India. So I am a little discouraged about what I know we cannot complete.

I think I will focus on what we have accomplished and how the girls have learned and grown this year.