Monday, November 2, 2009


"It is well for us that, amidst all the variableness of life, there is One whom change cannot affect, One whose heart can never alter..." Charles Spurgeon.

God is teaching me to be flexible. Our school has been turned upside down and we are adjusting to the changes little by little. Fred fell and seriously broke his leg a week ago. It will be at least 6 weeks until he heals, so we can't just give up on school. We have to work around it. I have to juggle doctor appointments and caring for my husband along with teaching my daughters. The girls and I need to leave the house between 11am and 12pm every day to pick Fred up from his classes--about a 40 minute drive. Then we must drive back home and run Fred's errands. The first few days I was so exhausted I couldn't do any school work in the afternoon with the girls. But we are forming a new schedule. Late afternoon work, reading in the evenings, even some creative, light work on the weekends. The girls protested about that, but they realize too that we all must adjust.

In times like this I think how much easier it would be if the girls were in a public classroom. If I just sent them off to school and then did what needed to be done with Fred without them. But I think it is good that they are part of the process. They learn how a family adapts to injury or illness, the concessions we have to make, and how we deal with fatigue and impatience. They see how we press on and serve each other. The girls don't need to be protected from this; they need to participate in it.

In the midst of life's changes, it is good to know that God doesn't change. His character remains the same and His promises still hold true, no matter what goes on in our little physical world. We call upon Him and He answers. Everything will work out.

"I am the Lord; I change not." Malachi 3:6.

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