Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Different kids

Liana had a better attitude the next day. Some of our work was beyond what she has learned, so we skipped it. Better to review what she knows than to teach something new right before the test. I realized too that the test prep book we are using covers the entire third grade, and we are only halfway through the year.

Arielle enjoys worksheets. She always has, so she is not complaining. I remember the early Explode the Code books that I thought were great. I would have to ask Arielle to please stop doing so many pages in one day and save some for later! Then I bought them for Liana. She would cry when I asked her to complete one page. The books were torture for her. Different kids, different learning styles. That is one of the main benefits of homeschooling. I can find books and methods to suit each child. I had to learn this the hard way though. Hard on Liana. I regret how I tried to conform her into a little twin of Arielle. Thank goodness Liana is a tough little character and fought back until I finally caught on that she is her own person.

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