Thursday, July 9, 2009

My songbird

We are listening to an audiobook called Fairest by Gail Carson Levine. The book is delightful, the language lively, and the audio version is superb with a multitude of different voices and music to dramatize it. The story is a fairytale about a girl who is not at all pretty but has a beautiful singing voice in a kingdom of song. This author also wrote Ella Enchanted. We thoroughly enjoyed that one too. (Don't watch the movie though. It was mediocre at best.)

We listen to audio books in the car. When we came home yesterday, the story was at a strategic point and the girls didn't want to get out of the car. So we sat in the driveway awhile and heard more of it until I finally said we had other things to do! The book was in the middle of telling about the Composing Game. A group of people play by taking a passage from a dull book and making up a melody and singing the words from it. It is supposed to be funny but have good musical quality. Liana was intrigued by this. After we got out of the car, she picked up a library book and started singing the words from Make Way for Ducklings. She wanted me to alternate pages with her. We did that for awhile, me croaking along after her high clear tones. Liana certainly has musical talent. She composed the tunes on the spot and her voice is rich and beautiful. Then she picked up an American Girl catalogue and started singing the advertisements! I was laughing so much I could hardly sing my parts.

Liana would fit right in with this enchanted kingdom in the book Fairest. She is my songbird, always singing.

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