Monday, August 25, 2008

Snowball in Summer

We began school today. How did summer go by so quickly? I am so anxious to get off to a good start and not fall back into patterns of relating to each other that are detrimental to learning. The girls and I had earlier held a school planning meeting at our local Panera's over breakfast. We made up a list of ideas to make our school more interesting so we could learn more.

My dear friend in Colorado sent me a beautiful verse. One day while the girls were playing with some Modge Podge, cutting out pictures of flowers from a Burpee catalong and gluing them to wood, I decided to make my own little plaque. It will be on my desk to remind me HOW to teach as well as WHY I am teaching. The verse is Deuteronomy 32:2,3.

"Let my teaching fall like rain
And my words descend like dew,
Like showers on new grass,
Like abundant rain on tender plants.
I will proclaim the name of the Lord.
Oh, praise the greatness of our God!"

I admit that sometimes my teaching falls like a sudden summer thunderstorm rather than gentle rain to nourish tender plants.
We had a special surprise for our break today. Last winter I wrapped up a snowball and stored it in the freezer. Maybe the girls knew about it, but they had long forgotten it. They were delighted to play with the snowball today in the yard!
We had a great first day. I got the best compliment of all from Liana. She said, "School was fun!"

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