Sunday, November 23, 2008


My special ed reading teacher friend offered to test my daughter in reading so Liana will be prepared for the California Achievement Test she must take in January, as required by our state. We drove to Colleen's house on Election Day and she generously gave Liana about two hours of her time, and I was able to listen in from the next room. My difficult daughter amazed me!

Liana alternated between reading a passage aloud and then answering questions, to reading silently and then answering questions. I heard no complaint from her and there were no tears. She was cooperative and willing to do all that Colleen asked of her. Liana has never in her life read so much for so long! Results: Colleen said reading is difficult for her but she is reading on level and I should continue teaching her on grade level. We need to review some forgotten phonics concepts and push sight words that seem to hold her up. She reads slowly, but she can do it! That was encouraging to me. We will keep plugging away. Some other advice from my friend was helpful too. I should ask Liana to look for certain facts or ideas in the story before she begins, so she can anticipate what might happen. I should also ask increasing more complex questions about the story after she reads it and also allow her to ask me questions about it. Liana loved that part. Colleen also said she should read independently below her instructional level. I've found she then doesn't protest and actually seems to enjoy reading.

I've wondered for awhile about some sensory-overload issues and one thing Colleen said confirmed this. Liana's comprehension is better when she reads silently. (I would have thought the opposite--that she would skip over words.) Colleen said she understands more because she isn't trying to articulate words plus keep track of the story. A homeschooling friend of mine gave me another great idea--I read a page from the book, then Liana reads a page. Then the passage doesn't seem so overwhelming to her and we end up actually reading more.

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