Thursday, September 30, 2010

Banning Books

Choosing good books for my children and restricting others is always challenging as a homeschooling parent. I frequently read Jimmie's blog for her interesting stories about China and her great advice on teaching. "Banned Books Week" is her very informative post on books for kids. Check it out.

Arielle reads so much that there would be no way to pre-read her books and censor the ones I didn't like. We talk about books a lot and we read together a lot and that brings up many topics to discuss. I've fed her a diet of good books from the time she was a baby and she is very discriminating when it comes to reading books that are just plain not good literature.

Together we have been reading Crispin: The Cross of Lead by Avi. It was a Newberry Medal book, so I figured there must be some reason it won that distinction. The language in this book is at times disturbing and it is full of violence. As I read it to Liana, there were a couple of times I edited as I read. But the message behind the book is worth talking about and kids learn a lot about the Middle Ages in England. Arielle has gone on to read the two sequels to this book.

Sometimes we used the school reading lists to find good literature. But moms need to have a discerning eye. I ask myself why this particular book is on the list. Public schools have their own agenda and message they want to get out. Not all books on their lists are worth reading.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Marsupial Lapbook

We are in week four of the new school year and overall, things are going well. Arielle is very independent now and desires that. She likes to get her assignments and then work at her own speed to complete them. She especially likes me to give her an assignment for the week, rather than just daily. She is very responsible to complete her work by Friday.

Arielle is working toward another deadline in October when her first literature class meets. She completed The Giver but it not so interested in reading The Time Machine. Moms also need to read The Giver. What a disturbing book! But it provides a lot of opportunity for discussion of important topics.

Liana is still battling her daily reading assignment. She has so much trouble concentrating and every bit of sound she hears when she is trying to read brings her to a frustrated frenzy. She now had to go upstairs alone to read. She doesn't like that, but there is no alternative. What ever would she do in a regular classroom? Thank God we can homeschool.

In the afternoon we are doing some serious science, history and geography. And no one is complaining! Liana has completed her first topic in science--the study of marsupials. Jeannie Fulbright's website had some good worksheets to print up and I had Liana write a little report on an animal of her choice. She will do that for each order of animals we study. I have to step it up a little this year.
While working on her lapbook, she has said several times, "I just love doing this." I help her organize her material, but she cuts and glues and writes captions for hours with incredible patience. In the mornings she struggles and lashes out and has absolutely no patience. But this is her thing, the creative stuff.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Good Running Start

We completed our first week! We had several interruptions. Our family members are not with the program yet and forget that we can't take phone calls during the day. Also, on Friday, I was called to do some emergency babysitting for a friend, but my daughters are more independent this year and can more easily work around interruptions.

Our days are longer this year. We can't skimp on history and science like we sometimes did in the past, so that is what we do every afternoon. We are studying South America right now using Around the World in 180 Days. Arielle likes doing her own research to find answers to the questions and both girls like doing map work. Liana's learning style draws her to a more creative approach, so she has started a lapbook on South America and also one for her zoology study of marsupials. I give both girls some freedom in designing lapbooks, but then they need guidance to organize their information. Otherwise they would just be gluing pictures on paper. We have lots of resources for pictures. At the homeschool fair I bought old atlases and several books of animals. Also, we still have our ancient set of encyclopedias. I give the girls the freedom to cut out all the pictures they want.

Arielle has received her literature assignment for the class she is taking. She has to read The Time Machine by H.G. Wells and The Giver by Lois Lowry and write a compare and contrast essay. She started reading The Giver and likes it, so she's off to a good start. Liana is reading the stories in the Abeka series. So far, she is enjoying them and I hear no complaints. It helps when Arielle remembers the stories from years back and tells Liana how good some of them are.

Liana had a little bit of a rough start this week after a very busy Labor Day weekend. She couldn't find her glasses and it put her in a frustrated frame of mind. But after a few tears shed and being told to go to her room until she got some control, she recovered quickly and we had a good day. This is a great improvement and it is encouraging to see her maturing. In the past, a minor set-back in the morning would ruin the entire day.

I start each day with much prayer for our school. This is the Lord's work, not mine.