Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Art Museum

I wrote on another blog about our fabulous trip to the art museum. We tend to neglect art in our class time, not because we don't enjoy it, but because other subjects just tend to take precedence. Liana had to write a short research paper, so she chose an artist to study and has just finished her report on Mary Cassatt. She was very excited to see some Cassatt paintings at the art museum. Wandering around looking at art might be enjoyable, but it is much more than that if we recognize paintings and know a little about the artist.

We are finishing out our days. Every May it seems like there are a multitude of interruptions that steal time away from school. Still, we are making every effort to finish up what we hoped to accomplish this year. For both girls, we have stopped proceding forward with new math concepts and we are just reviewing what they learned all year. Arielle finished all her Language Arts except for a research paper she is doing on Laura Ingalls Wilder. Liana is reviewing for a comprehensive grammar test and then she will be finished with language too.

We are just about finished with Joy Hakim's Recontruction and Reform and instead of starting another book, we will continue with our studies of Central America at a leisurely pace. I realized we cannot finish our anatomy book this year, so after our chapter on nutrition, we will put it away until fall.

When May arrives, it is time to think about the dreaded portfolios required by our state and officially due on June 30th. But they need to be completed before our trip to the evaluator's house in early June. I have not begun to work on them!