Thursday, September 23, 2010

Marsupial Lapbook

We are in week four of the new school year and overall, things are going well. Arielle is very independent now and desires that. She likes to get her assignments and then work at her own speed to complete them. She especially likes me to give her an assignment for the week, rather than just daily. She is very responsible to complete her work by Friday.

Arielle is working toward another deadline in October when her first literature class meets. She completed The Giver but it not so interested in reading The Time Machine. Moms also need to read The Giver. What a disturbing book! But it provides a lot of opportunity for discussion of important topics.

Liana is still battling her daily reading assignment. She has so much trouble concentrating and every bit of sound she hears when she is trying to read brings her to a frustrated frenzy. She now had to go upstairs alone to read. She doesn't like that, but there is no alternative. What ever would she do in a regular classroom? Thank God we can homeschool.

In the afternoon we are doing some serious science, history and geography. And no one is complaining! Liana has completed her first topic in science--the study of marsupials. Jeannie Fulbright's website had some good worksheets to print up and I had Liana write a little report on an animal of her choice. She will do that for each order of animals we study. I have to step it up a little this year.
While working on her lapbook, she has said several times, "I just love doing this." I help her organize her material, but she cuts and glues and writes captions for hours with incredible patience. In the mornings she struggles and lashes out and has absolutely no patience. But this is her thing, the creative stuff.

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